Natural Real Touch Succulent Bridal Bouquet

If you have already came across my blog before, you may know how much i'm obsessed at all stuffs about wedding, flowers, wedding dresses, escorts, cakes, everything. i've been thinking about make bouquet for a long time, i buy some flower from the market and arrange them in my vases home, take them to my friends. recently, one of my friends is about to wedding and she wants me to make bouquet for her, but not real this time, silk Flowers and real touch flowers.

I online shopping components for her bouquet, unlike what i used to think, they are amazing, especially when i choose some real touch flowers.I open a shop on etsy to make my creation available for sale and custom-made if any of you got inspiration. it's my first creation, they are definitely not perfect, i even cut my finger when i cut those steel rope in the stem, but i was happy when they been finished. all the pictures are taken by my iPhone, not bad, lol~ give me some courage, yo!



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