Happy Happy Spring Festival (2)

Beside what have mentioned before, there are several other things we will do.
New Year Eve Dinner-we call 年夜饭(nian ye fan)means a lot for us because all the family members will be together to enjoy delicious meals. we treat it important because it seems to be less and less time for us to enjoy such a big moment.I love my families so much and I'm also terribly sorry for spending so less time with them.
watching CCTV Spring Festival Gala-the national new year celebrating show on mains media- is conventional schedule for most Chinese on spring festival eve. it also becomes a symbol of the greatest festival although sometimes it's boring, like those hosts in the pictures, they'll show up for almost national ceremony shows.
New Year is always followed by Fireworks Display which is the most lovely part for me when I was a child.


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